Bulgarian Monasteries website looks a little bit different. OK, it's a lot different. But what you can't see is even more significant than what you can... news archive ยป

Buhovo monastery "St. Archangel Michail"
The Buhovo monastery St. Archangel Michail is located in the southern slopes of the mountain ridge Murgash of Western Stara planina".Patron Saint's day on 8 November />
The monastery is about 3 km to the north-east of the town of Buhovo, which is 5,5 km away from the A2 motorway (Sofia - Burgas) to the south. Patron Saint's day on 8 November
It was probably founded in the 16th century. It was robbed by kurdjalii and was later restored (1855 and 1882). At present it functions regularly. The monastery is a complex of a church - one-nef, one-apse, with a narthex, and residential and farm buildings. On August 9, 1886 (the Julian calendar) the dethroned prince Alexander Batenberg was taken to the monastery where he spent a day and two nights. Nowadays the monastery is declared a monument of culture.