Bulgarian Monasteries website looks a little bit different. OK, it's a lot different. But what you can't see is even more significant than what you can... news archive ยป

Vracheshki Monastery "The Forty Holy Martyrs"
It was founded in the 13th century. It was burnt down in the 15th and the 18th century. For the last time it was restored in 1891. At present it operates regularly. The monastery is a complex including a church and residential and farm buildings. The monastery church is one-nef, one-apse, without a cupola, with an inner and an outer narthex, over which is the bell tower. The small old church was built in 1891 by usta (master) Vuno Markov. There is a chapel in one of the residential buildings, dedicated to St. Kliment Ohrydski. The monastery holy spring is near the monastery, on the right bank of the river. A sharp peak is rising over the monastery where the remnants of the Gradishte fortress (Cheshkovgrad) are to be found. Nowadays the monastery is a monument of culture. The monastery is about 4 km to the west of Botevgrad. Women s, Patron Saint s day on 9 March.
The Vracheshki monastery is located on the left bank of the Cheshkovitsa river in the mountain ridge Murgash, Western Stara planina, under peak Murgash"