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Gorna Vasilitsa Monastery "The Ascension"
The Gorna Vasilitsa monastery is located under the Benkovski peak (1186 m above the sea level) in the Eledjik mountain of the Ihtiman Sredna gora. It is about 6 km to the north-east of the village of Gorna Vasilitsa, Ihtiman municipality. The time of its foundation is not known. It was restored in 1885 and nowadays functions periodically. The church, built in 1908, is preserved - it is big, one-nef, one-apse, with a narthex. Patron saint's day on Ascension Day (movable).
The A1 (E80) motorway passes at about 3 km from the monastery, by which the monastery is connected to the town of Ihtiman (about 15 km to the north-east) and to the town of Kostenets (about 20 km to the south-west) – along Al motorway and the 8 first class road