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Glojen Monastery "St. Georgi the Victorious"
The Monastery of Glojen is situated above Glozhene village, 12 km north-east of the roadside complex "Pravets". It consists of a church and residential buildings, which form a closed yard around the church. With the vertical rocks rising like walls on three of the sides it has the appearance of an inaccessible castle. The residential buildings were constructed in 1858 and were reconstructed later. Men's, Patron Saint's day on 6 May.
It is 3 km to the south-west of the village of Glojene, Teteven municipality.
It is founded in 1224 by the Russian knyaz Georgiy Glozh. The small church, dating back to 15th - 16th century, has been destroyed by the earthquake in 1913, and later a new one has been built up. Medieval and Renaissance icons, as well as religious books have been preserved to the present day. The famous wonder-working icon of St Georgi (13th century), brought to the monastery by prince Gloj from the Kiev-Pechora monastery, is kept nowadays in the Lovech bishopric and the icon in the church is its copy. In the 13 th century the monastery was one of the big cultural centers in the region. At the time of the Stambolov regime the political prisoner the bishop of Turnovo Kliment (unclerical name Vassil Drumev) was sent here from the Lyaskovo monastery. The honoured spiritual, Dolitical and cultural worker was kept here under exceptionally hard conditions for nine months (1893-1894). Nowadays his cell has been turned into a museum. The monastery was visited by Vassil Levski and his hiding place was preserved. The Glojene monastery was declared a monument of culture.
The village of Glojene is connected to the town of Teteven (about 11,5 km) by a third class road to the south-east and to the town of Yablanitsa (about 12,5 km) - by a third class road to the north-west.